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Manual of nursing procedures and practice

Manual of nursing procedures and practice


First manual on Clinical Procedures developed by the faculties of NINE-PGIMER Chandigarh, who are also the subject experts. The procedures have been divided into the 6 major nursing subjects: Nursing Foundations, Medical Surgical Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing, Pediatric Nursing and Community Health Nursing. The contents have been developed as per INC syllabus of undergraduate as well as postgraduate nursing and several new procedures have been added, making it the most comprehensive compendium available so far. The complete book has been developed keeping in mind the relevance of the content in the Indian context. The articulate way of writing strengthened by the use of simple language makes browsing through the book a delightful experience. All the procedures have been well illustrated with colored diagrams and real-time photographs, explaining the various steps of procedures. The procedures have been divided into Preprocedural, Intraprocedural and Postprocedural steps along with their rationale, emphasizing the sequence and importance of every step. All procedures are substantiated with Points to Remember and Special Considerations boxes to help the students identify and remember the various aspects that need to be taken care of while performing the procedures. Suggested Readings at the end of each procedure are given to aid the students with various reference works for future reference and enhancing their knowledge.

1 month ago
Anatomy and physiology

Anatomy and physiology


This textbook explains the basic principles of Biochemistry, Nutrition and Dietetics and their application to health and disease. It presents core information to introduce basic concepts and thereby apply the acquired knowledge in nursing practice. Third edition is comprehensively updated to meet the constantly changing health needs of people. Content has been reorganized and significant changes have been made during the development of the text to include addition of a new section on biochemistry and recent updates in the Nutrition section as per the revised syllabus outlined by the Indian Nursing Council. This book can be used by students and teachers of Biochemistry, Nutrition, Dietetics, Nursing, Medicine, and other health sciences. Highlights: Now in FULL COLOR! UPDATED! As per the revised Indian Nursing Council syllabus NEW! Section on biochemistry comprising 8 chapters “Nutrition” included in chapter Therapeutic Diets to address the basic nutrition needs of affected patients NEW! Chapter Nutrition Deficiency Disorders included which covers causes, signs and symptoms, and management of important and prevalent disease conditions such as severe acute malnutrition, childhood obesity, and deficiency disorders of vitamins and minerals UPDATED! Recommended dietary allowances, IYCF guidelines, anemia in pregnancy and adolescence, and nutrition education Recipes for different types of diet and sample menus for important diseases included for ready reference Important topics like “Calculation of nutritive value of foods” included with examples for easy understanding Enzymes of diagnostic importance for various diseases discussed Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids illustrated for better understanding Content presented in a student friendly manner complemented with plenty of illustrations, flowcharts, and tables Chapter-end summaries for quick review and Self-Assessment section as per University examination pattern An extensive glossary included.

1 month ago
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Biology of higher level has too many concept and remembering all them on tips all the time is not an easy task. Handbook of Biology is an important, useful and compact reference book suitable for everyday study, problem solving or exam revision for class XI – XII, Medical entrances and other medical Competitive. This book is a multi-purpose quick revision resource that contains almost all key notes, Diagrams, Flow Charts, Terms and Definitions that all students & professionals in biology will want to have this essential reference book within easy reach. Its unique format displays flow charts & diagrams clearly and places them in the context and crisply identifies describes all the variables involved, summary about every equation and formula that one might want while learning biology. A stimulating and crisp extract of fundamental biology is to be enjoyed by the beginners and experts equally. The book is best- selling from its first edition and one of the most useful books of its type. Table of contents The Living World, Biology Classification, Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Morphology of Flowering Plants, Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Structural Organisation in Animals, Cell: The Unit of Life, Biomolecules, Cell Cycle and Cell Division, Transport in Plants, Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Respiration in Plants, Plant Growth and Development, Digestion and Absorption, Breathing and Exchange of Gases, Excretory Products and Their Elimination, Locomotion and Movement, Neural Control and Coordination, Chemical Coordination and Integration, Reproduction in Organisms, Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Human Reproduction, Reproductive Health, Principles of Inheritance and Variation, Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Evolution, Human Health and Diseases, Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production, Microbes in Human Welfare, Biotechnology: Principles and Processes, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Organisms and Population, Ecosystem, Biodiversity and Conversation, Environmental Issues, Appendix.

1 month ago
Cunningham's Manual of practical Anatomy-Vol 1

Cunningham's Manual of practical Anatomy-Vol 1

₹500 ₹650
23% off

The new 16th edition of Cunningham's has been thoroughly revised for the modern-day anatomy student. The language has been simplified for easy understanding making this textbook ideal for students at undergraduate levels. Each dissection reflects current medical school teaching and is now broken down into clear step-by-step instructions. New learning features prepare students for the dissection lab, university examinations and clinical practice. Completely updated full colour artwork brings the friendly explanations to life.Following a logical structure, each chapter explains in a clear friendly manner the key knowledge expected of students. Improved diagrams with clear labelling and full colour illustrate key anatomical features bringing the text to life. Learning objectives introduce each dissection and clear step-by-step instructions make it easy to follow in the dissection lab.Throughout the book new clinical application boxes and radiology images explain how anatomy relates to clinical medical practice. At the end of each part, multiple-choice questions allow students to quickly review their knowledge before checking the answers in the appendix.Student friendly and richly illustrated this new edition of Cunningham's brings expert anatomical teaching to the modern day student of medicine, dentistry and allied health sciences. Retaining the trustworthy authority of the previous editions, this sixteenth edition offers a contemporary account of this excellent practical anatomy book.

2 months ago
Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy-4 edition

Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy-4 edition

₹600 ₹765
22% off

The fourth edition of this book is thoroughly updated in accordance with the competency-based curriculum of neuroanatomy as per the revised guidelines of Medical Council of India and health universities across the country, and nearby countries. This profusely illustrated book has been designed in simple and easy to understand language provides essential knowledge of neuroanatomy without extraneous details. Following recent trends of anatomy education, the book in addition to basic information also provides the knowledge through its feature - Clinical correlations. . Revised as per the Competency-Based Undergraduate Curriculum and ensured coverage of all the competencies. . Extensive revision of chapters on Development of the Nervous System, Dermatomes and Muscular Activity, Central Nervous System, Spinal Cord, Brainstem, Cerebellum and Fourth Ventricle, Cerebrum, Basal Nuclei, White Matter of the Cerebrum and Lateral Ventricles, Blood Supply of the Brain, Somatic Motor and Sensory Pathways, Special Senses and Their Neural Pathways. . Enriched text with newer developments, additional new diagrams, clinical photographs, flowcharts, tables to facilitate greater retention of knowledge. . Clinical correlations integrated in the text, highlighting practical application of anatomical facts have been modified extensively. . Additional information of higher academic value presented in a simple way in N.B. to make it more interesting for readers. . Important facts to remember useful for candidates appearing in various entrance examinations like PGME, USMLE, PLAB, etc. . Coverage of the competency codes integrated within the text as per new competency-based undergraduate curriculum. . Addition of neuroimaging techniques for better understanding of the neurological lesions. . Inclusion of Multiple Choice Questions at the end of the book for self-assessment of the topics studied.

2 months ago
Textbook of Anatomy: Abdomen and Lower Limb, Vol - 2 (Updated Ed.) - 3

Textbook of Anatomy: Abdomen and Lower Limb, Vol - 2 (Updated Ed.) - 3

₹700 ₹885
21% off

Third edition of this book is updated in accordance with the syllabus of anatomy recommended by the Medical Council of India. It covers in detail the anatomy of abdomen and lower limb. Following recent trends of anatomy education, the book in addition to basic information provides knowledge on anatomical/embryological/histological basis of clinical conditions through its features — Clinical Correlation and Clinical Case Study. Written in simple and easy-to-understand language, this profusely illustrated book provides the knowledge of anatomy without extraneous details. The specific learning objectives have been given in the beginning of each chapter to facilitate self-learning by the students. Ideal for UG medical and dental students, PG entrance examinations, USMLE, PLAB, etc. Thorough revision of all the chapters Detailed exposition on inguinal canal, abdominal organs, prostate and joints of the lower limb Clinical Correlations integrated in the text, highlighting practical application of anatomical facts, have been modified extensively Improvement and revision in earlier diagrams and tables Clinical Case Study at the end of each chapter to initiate interest of students in problem based learning (PBL) Additional information of higher academic value presented in a simple way in N.B. to make it more interesting for readers, especially the aspiring postgraduates Important facts useful for candidates appearing in various entrance examinations like PGME, USMLE, PLAB, listed under Golden Facts to Remember Multiple Choice Questions at the end of the book for self-assessment of the topics studied Core competencies prescribed by the MCI are covered and competency codes are included in the text New to This Edition Includes new chapters on surface anatomy in each section of the abdomen and lower limb Addition of many new line diagrams, CT and MRI images, tables, flowcharts to facilitate greater retention of knowledge Additional Feature Complimentary access to full e-book Core competencies prescribed by the MCI are covered

2 months ago