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English summary: This work, which many regard as Karl Popper's most important for the scientific world, is being published in a new edition as part of the Collected Works. In Popper's opinion, it is a mistake to consider scientific knowledge to be certain knowledge. He maintains that, on the contrary, scientific knowledge consists of bold speculations and of strictly examined but in reality provisional conjectures. German description: Karl Popper stellt in seinem Hauptwerk, der Logik der Forschung, die Erkenntnistheorie als Methodologie dar, die erklart, warum unser Wissen fehlbar ist und warum wir nicht primar aus erfullten, sondern aus gescheiterten Erwartungen lernen: Der Erkenntnisfortschritt resultiert aus Versuch und Irrtum. Die bedeutendsten Resultate des Buches sind das Falsifizierbarkeitskriterium zur Abgrenzung wissenschaftlicher Satze und Poppers Vorschlag zur Losung des Problems der empirischen Basis der Wissenschaft. Sein Abgrenzungskriterium loste das neopositivistische Sinnkriterium ab, nach dem nicht verifizierbare Satze sinnlos sind, und seine These, auch Beobachtungssatze seien, wegen der Transzendenz dessen, was sie darstellen, uber das, was wahrgenommen wurde, fehlbare Hypothesen, beendete die Protokollsatzdebatte im Wiener Kreis. Mit der Verallgemeinerung der Idee der Prufbarkeit zur Idee der Kritik entstand aus dem Neoempirismus der kritischen Rationalismus.[...] gehort Poppers Buch zu den wichtigsten gegenwartigen Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Wissenschaftslogik. [...] Es wird Zustimmung und Widerspruch auslosen...Rudolf Carnap in Erkenntnis, Bd. 5 (1935), S. 294Nach der Kreativitat in der Wissenschaft zu fragen, setzt voraus, dass wir wissen, was eine wissenschaftliche Entdeckung ist. Dies bedeutet aber wiederum, die Logik der wissenschaftlichen Entdeckung zu erfassen. [...] Poppers Prinzip ist damit die Basis aller Wissenschaft. Wer es nicht anwendet, scheitert. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Fernausgabe vom 24.12.1974Mir gefallt das ganze modische 'positivistische' Kleben am Beobachtbaren

1 week ago
All In One Class 12th Biology for CBSE Exam 2024

All In One Class 12th Biology for CBSE Exam 2024


1. 33 Years’ Chapterwise Solution NEET Physics” is a collect of all questions of AIPMT & NEET 2. The book covers the entire syllabus of class 11th and 12th in 23 chapters 3. Detailed and authentic solutions are provided for each question for conceptual understanding 4. Important Formulae is given at the end of the book 5. Previous Years’ Solved papers are given for practice. Students who are preparing for NEET Exam are often advised to first revise the syllabus of Class 11th and 12th completely before focusing on NEET itself. Here’s presenting “33 Years’ Chapterwise Solution NEET Physics” a Chapterwise collection of all questions asked in AIPMT & NEET. This book is designed to cover the complete syllabus of both class 11th & 12th under 23 Chapters. Detailed, authentic and explanatory solutions are provided for every question that has been drafted in such a manner that students will surely able to catch the context and understand the concept. Important Formulae are provided at the end for quick revision. Previous years’ Solved Papers are given to understand the prescribed pattern and types of questions. With this helpful set of Chapterwise solved papers, students will be ensured to get success in NEET 2020. TABLE OF CONTENT Physical World & Measurement, Motion in One Dimension, Motion in Two and Three Dimension, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Rotational Motion, Properties of Matter, Gravitation, Heat and Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Waves, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Thermal and Chemical Effects of Current, Magnetic Effects of Current, Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current and Electromagnetic waves, Optics and Optical Instruments, Electrons and Photons, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics, Solids and Semiconductors Devices, Important Formulae, NEET SOLVED Paper 2018, NEET (National) Paper 2019, NEET (Odisha) Paper 2019, NEET Solved Paper 2020.

1 week ago
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Arihant Mathematics for IIT JEE

Arihant Mathematics for IIT JEE

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West Bengal is one of the eastern states in India. Bengal is known as Gauda or Vanga an ancient Sanskrit Literature also it’s a land of worshipping God. West Bengal is India’s 6 th largest state in terms of economic size further it has 12 growth Centers for medium and large scale industries. West Bengal is the 2 nd largest tea growing in India. General knowledge of West Bengal is essential for various competitive examinations and especially for the students who are appearing for West Bengal Public Service commission (WBPSC) and other state level examinations The current edition of ‘Know Your State – West Bengal’ gives the detailed study of History, Geography, Economy, Polity, Art & Culture, Center and State government welfare schemes and Current Affairs of West Bengal. A systematic Chapter wise study will mark improvement in the performance of the students, moreover Tables, boxes and figures gives better representation for memorizing the main points. MCQs have been provided at the end of each chapter that helps in understanding and preparing the subject at the exam point-of-view level. This book comes a quick, relevant and easy route for achieving in the examination. TABLE OF CONTENT West Bengal : Basic Information, Ancient History of West Bengal, Medieval History of West Bengal, Modern History and Popular Movements in West Bengal, Geographical Features and Climate of West Bengal, Climate and Soils of West Bengal, Drainage System of West Bengal, Natural Vegetation of West Bengal, National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries, Agriculture and Irrigation in West Bengal, Animal Husbandry in West Bengal, Industries of West Bengal, Minerals and Energy Resources in West Bengal, Transport System of West Bengal, Communication in West Bengal, Administrative Set-Up of West Bengal, West Bengal Judiciary, Local Self Government in West Bengal, District Profile of West Bengal, Tourism in West Bengal, Music and Dance of West Bengal, Bengali Cinema, Bengali Theatre, Language and Literature of West Bengal, Fairs and Festivals of West B

1 week ago



1. Critical Care Scenario in India 2. Recognition and Stabilization of the Critically Ill Child 3. Resuscitation 4. Fluid and Electrolytes in the Critically Ill Child 5. Oxygen Therapy in the Emergency Room and PICU 6. Lung Mechanics with Ventilation: Physiology and Monitoring 7. Basics of Mechanical Ventilation 8. Noninvasive Ventilation 9. Respiratory Monitoring in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit 10. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 11. Hemodynamic Monitoring 12. Acute Heart Failure 13. Cardiac Arrhythmias 14. Vasoactive Agents 15. Hypertensive Crises 17. Approach to a Comatose Child 18. Head Injury in Children 19. Status Epilepticus 20. End of Life Care in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit 21. Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children 22. Basics of RRT in ICU 23. Gastrointestinal Tract Bleed 24. Acute Liver Failure 25. Pre- and Post-operative Management of a Liver Transplant Patient 26. Nutrition in Critically Ill Children 27. Dengue in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit 28. Management of a Child with Polytrauma 29. Drowning 30. Pediatric Emergency Care: Poisoning and Toxidromes 31. Envenomation (Snake Envenomation and Scorpion Sting) 32. Oncological Emergencies 33. Blood Components in Intensive Care Practice 34. Ventilator Associated Pneumonia and Hospital Acquired Pneumonia 35. Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infection 36. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection 37. Antimicrobial Stewardship in PICU 38. Pain and Sedation 39. Nursing Issues in the PICU 40. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Index

1 week ago