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Medical mycology refers to the study of fungi that produce disease in humans and other animals, and of the diseases they produce, their ecology, and their epidemiology. This new edition has been fully revised to provide microbiologists with the latest information on fungal infections, covering the entire spectrum of different types of infection, and therapeutic modalities. Beginning with a general overview explaining morphology, taxonomy, and diagnosis, the following sections cover the different categories of fungal infection including superficial cutaneous mycoses, subcutaneous mycoses, systemic mycoses and opportunistic mycoses. A complete section is dedicated to pseudofungal infections. The highly illustrated text concludes with a detailed appendices section and each chapter features key references for further reading. Key points Fully revised, fourth edition providing latest information on the diagnosis and management of fungal infections Covers the entire spectrum of mycoses Highly illustrated with clinical photographs and figures Previous edition (9788188039780) published in 2009
MBBS Surgery Manual - SRB
This textbook is a comprehensive guide to surgical procedures for undergraduate dental students. Divided into 31 chapters, the text provides step by step information on the treatment of various common and less common disorders including infections, tumours, diseases of the salivary glands, head and cranial nerve injury, cleft lip, swellings of the jaw, and much more. This second edition has been fully revised, with new topics added, to provide students with the latest advances in the field. Key topics are accompanied by case summaries and important learning points and nearly 750 photographs, diagrams, flow charts and tables assist understanding and revision. The accompanying interactive CD ROM demonstrates minor operations and ward procedures. Key points Comprehensive guide to surgical procedures for dental students Fully revised, new edition Includes interactive CD ROM demonstrating procedures Previous edition (9788184487459) published in 2010
MBBS Surgery Textbook- Manipal
The completely revised, thoroughly rewritten and carefully updated edition of a popular book aimed at undergraduate medical students. The limited time-frame available to undergraduate students makes it necessary for them to be able to read a reliable adn comprehensive book and this edition fully meets that requirement. The book presents the entire canon of information necessary for undergraduate students in an easy-to-read format which helps them in long-term retention.The theory behind the practice of surgery is covered in a simple manner. The plethora of clinical photographs, colour graphics, flowcharts, tables, key boxes and algorithms explains the facts given in the text which will help even postgraduate students of surgery, as well as practising surgeons.Clinical notes, wisdom lines, most interesting and most common facts are the highlighting features of the manual. Multiple choice questions have been added which will help the students not only in MBBS examinations but also in the postgraduate examinations.
MBBS General surgery practical textbook
This is a unique and premier book especially written for both undergraduate and postgraduate medical students to help them achieve distinctively in their clinical examinations. The highlighting features include • clinical photographs • colour graphics • flowcharts • tables • clinical boxes and • algorithms which lucidly explain the clinical facts discussed in the text.
MBBS Dermatology Textbook
This book attempts to simplify and demystify a subject that often baffles young undergraduate students, dermatology trainees, and physicians with an aim to create an interest in the subject by presenting it in an easy to read manner. This book brings to students practical and comprehensive information on the clinical features, pathogenesis and treatment of dermatological diseases. The book has 32 chapters covering all 9 sections of dermatological disorders from 22 experienced contributors. This book shall also cater to the needs of NEET and NEXT appearing MBBS graduates as specific parts of text, important from examination point of view, have been highlighted by introducingQ at each location. It is also useful for Primary Board examination students. This book has many new additions.
MBBS Ophthalmology Textbook
The new edition of this comprehensive textbook is a complete guide to the diagnosis and management of ocular disorders. The text has been reorganised into six key sections – Anatomy and Physiology, Optics and Refraction, Diseases of the Eye and Ocular Adnexa, Ocular Therapeutics, Systemic and Community Ophthalmology, and Practical Ophthalmology. The seventh edition has been fully revised with many new topics added to cover the latest advances in the field. Nearly 1000 clinical photographs, diagrams and tables further enhance the text. The accompanying free book ‘Review of Ophthalmology’ provides multiple choice questions (MCQs) commonly encountered in examinations, to assist revision. Key points Comprehensive guide to diagnosis and management of ocular disorders Fully revised seventh edition, with new topics included Accompanying free book provides MCQs to assist revision Previous edition (9789351526575) published in 2015
Mbbs General surgery practical guide
This second edition presents medical students and trainees with step by step long cases in general surgery. Thoroughly revised, the second edition covers inguinal hernia, thyroid gland, breast cancer, stomach, jaundice, varicose veins and more. More than 270 full colour images and illustrations enhance learning – the previous edition published in 2008. Key points New, revised edition presenting medical students and trainees with long cases in general surgery Includes more than 270 full colour images and illustrations Previous edition published in 2008
MBBS ENT textbook
The present edition is revised, updated and expanded. New clinical photographs, diagrams, tables and fl owcharts have been added to make the subject clear. A unique feature of this edition is white board lectures and videos, depicting through animations, the surgical procedures.
MBBS Orthopaedics Textbook
Specially designed for undergraduate medical students, students preparing for postgraduate medical entrance tests and paramedical students of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation, prosthetics, orthotics and nursing, this book presents an updated and comprehensive exposition of the fundamentals of Orthopaedics, its diseases and their management.
MBBS Surgery Practical guide for Surgery
Brand New International Paper-back Edition Same as per description, **Economy edition, May have been printed in Asia with cover stating Not for sale in US. Legal to use despite any disclaimer on cover. Save Money. Contact us for any queries. Best Customer Support! All Orders shipped with Tracking Number
MBBS Gynaecology Textbook
The book is extensively revised and updated to incorporate the latest changes and development of newer concept. Written in a narrative manner which is easier to understand. Bulleted text and key highlights/ important points in boxes for extra emphasis and retention. Inclusion of more flowcharts and colored pictures. It covers the entire course curriculum in an easy to understand, retain and reproducible manner; including assessment questions to help in rapid revision and exam preparation.
Lippincott illustrated review of Biochemistry, 7th edition
Biochemistry provides a platform for convergence of all scientific knowledge about the operation of life and, therefore, it finds an important place in the curriculum of all the medical sciences. The present book is an attempt in this direction in the form of a student-friendly, yet comprehensive and up-to-date text.
Conceptual review of preventive & social medicine
This book includes 2,600+ MCQ and 100 IBQs with separate chapters on: - Health Planning and Health Care Management in India. - Immunization and Vaccines. - Hospital Waste Management. - Medical Research Writing. - Focused study using High Yield Points. - Must Remember. - Good to Remember. - Tuberculosis, HIV. - Leprosy, Rabies Vaccination.
Parsons' disease of the eye, 22nd edition
A trusted textbook for undergraduate students for more than 100 years, which also caters to the basic needs of postgraduate students and practitioners. The book was first published in 1907, and on account of its clear and friendly presentation style as well as its authoritative coverage of ocular disorders, it quickly became a fundamental text for students. Since then the book has maintained its popularity with students through regular revisions and updates. The 19th edition of this book was especially adapted to the context of Indian subcontinent with a special mention about the infections that occur predominantly in this region. The 22nd edition continues this trend by presenting unparalleled guidance on nearly every ophthalmic condition and procedure, including the latest advances in the field, making the book more comprehensive and contemporary.• Inclusion of Important Points to Remember at the end of the book• Addition of new clinical photographs, flowcharts, and tables to facilitate quick learning• Extensively revised and updated edition• Reader-friendly version with information highlighted in points, flow charts and tables• Information provided to help prepare for PG entrance and other competitive examinations
Essentials of Medical Microbiology
The new edition of this comprehensive guide provides students with the latest information and advances in medical microbiology. Divided into seven sections, the book begins with discussion on general microbiology, followed by immunology, systematic bacteriology, virology and mycology. The second edition has been fully revised and features two new sections covering hospital acquired infections and clinical microbiology. The extensive text is further enhanced by more than 600 clinical photographs, diagrams and tables. The book concludes with annexures on emerging and re-emerging infections, bioterrorism, laboratory acquired infections, and zoonosis (the transmission of disease between humans and animals). Key points Comprehensive guide to medical microbiology for students Fully revised, second edition featuring many new topics Highly illustrated with clinical photographs, diagrams and tables Previous edition (9789351529873) published in 2015