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Computer book
Asset Pricing Theory is an advanced textbook for doctoral students and researchers that offers a modern introduction to the theoretical and methodological foundations of competitive asset pricing. Costis Skiadas develops in depth the fundamentals of arbitrage pricing, mean-variance analysis, equilibrium pricing, and optimal consumption/portfolio choice in discrete settings, but with emphasis on geometric and martingale methods that facilitate an effortless transition to the more advanced continuous-time theory. Among the book's many innovations are its use of recursive utility as the benchmark representation of dynamic preferences, and an associated theory of equilibrium pricing and optimal portfolio choice that goes beyond the existing literature. Asset Pricing Theory is complete with extensive exercises at the end of every chapter and comprehensive mathematical appendixes, making this book a self-contained resource for graduate students and academic researchers, as well as mathematically sophisticated practitioners seeking a deeper understanding of concepts and methods on which practical models are built. Covers in depth the modern theoretical foundations of competitive asset pricing and consumption/portfolio choice Uses recursive utility as the benchmark preference representation in dynamic settings Sets the foundations for advanced modeling using geometric arguments and martingale methodology Features self-contained mathematical appendixes Includes extensive end-of-chapter exercises
Computer and internet
You'll be amazed at how much you can get out of your PC!- Detailed at-a-glance snapshots show exactly what you'll see on your screen.- Clear step-by-step instructions- Practical advice, clever ideas and expert tips help you make the most of your computer.- Technical terms are fully explained in simple everyday language.COMPLETE WITH CD - A specially designed CD-ROM provides additional tools to help you create stylish, professional documents.
Computer oriented numerical methods
Provides a comprehensive coverage of the subject, Emphasis is laid to ensure the conceptual understanding of numerical methods, Formulae for different numerical methods have been derived in the simplest manner, algorithms for these methods are developed using pseudo language, Large number of programming exercises to test your for reference, large number of multiple choice questions and review exercises to test your programming skills acquired, Majority of the algorithms are implemented in C,C++ and FORTRAN languages.
The chapters of this book have been selected and designed as per the CBSE curriculum of Vocational course on IT. KEY FEATURES ? National Education Policy 2020 ? Sneak Peek: This section contains glimpses of MS Office. ? Glossary: This section contains definition of common terms. ? Objective Type Questions: This section contains objective type questions to assess the intellectual skills of the students. ? Subjective Type Questions: This section has subjective questions to assess the comprehensive writing skills of the students. ? CBSE Sample Question Paper: This section contains sample question paper. ? Practical Work: This section has sample questions for practical examination ? Digital Solutions DESCRIPTION (This section should contain complete information about the book from the start to the end, in around 1350 characters with space.)(to be filled by author) The main features of this book are as follows: ? The language of the book is simple and easy to understand. ? The book focuses on Free and Open-Source Software (Foss) with highlights of MS Office. ? Notes are given for add-on knowledge. ? Students are provided with fun facts about the topic. ? Lab Activities are added in between the chapters to develop practical skills. ? The applications of IT Tools are discussed with real life scenarios. ? The contents will help to create opportunity for better job prospects with respect to IT fields. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN You will learn about: ? Communication skills ? Management skills ? Fundamentals of computers ? ICT Tools ? Entrepreneurship ? Green Skills ? Digital Documentation (Advanced) ? Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced) ? Database Management System ? Web Applications and Security WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR (audience) (Let the readers know what knowledge they should have before reading the book) (350 characters with space)(to be filled by author) Grade - 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Part A Employability Skills (a) Unit-1 Communication Skills-II (i) Chapter-1 Communication Skills (b) Unit-2 Self-Management Skills-II (ii) Chapte
This new edition provides a comprehensive and technically rigorous introduction to data structures such as arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees and graphs and techniques such as sorting hashing that form the basis of all software. In addition, this text presents advanced or specialized data structures such as priority queues, efficient binary search trees, multiway search trees and digital search structures. The book has been updated to include the latest features of the C++ language. Features such as exceptions and templates are now incorporated throughout the text along with limited exposure to STL. Treatment of queues, iterators and dynamic hashing has been improved. The book now discusses topics such as secure hashing algorithms, weightbiased leftist trees, pairing heaps, symmetric min max heaps, interval heaps, top-down splay trees, B+ trees and suffix trees. Red black trees have been made more accessible. The section on multiway tries has been significantly expanded and discusses several trie variations and their application to Internet packet forwarding.
Automate The Boring Stuff With Python
If you've ever spent hours renaming files or updating hundreds of spreadsheet cells, you know how tedious tasks like these can be. But what if you could have your computer do them for you?In "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python," you'll learn how to use Python to write programs that do in minutes what would take you hours to do by hand no prior programming experience required. Once you've mastered the basics of programming, you'll create Python programs that effortlessly perform useful and impressive feats of automation to: Search for text in a file or across multiple filesCreate, update, move, and rename files and foldersSearch the Web and download online contentUpdate and format data in Excel spreadsheets of any sizeSplit, merge, watermark, and encrypt PDFsSend reminder emails and text notificationsFill out online formsStep-by-step instructions walk you through each program, and practice projects at the end of each chapter challenge you to improve those programs and use your newfound skills to automate similar tasks.Don't spend your time doing work a well-trained monkey could do. Even if you've never written a line of code, you can make your computer do the grunt work. Learn how in "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python.""
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Bits Pillani
Programming and Data Structures: For Anna University has been designed for the course on Programming and Data Structures for the undergraduate students of Anna University, Chennai. It integrates the core concepts of C Programming and Data Structures into a single comprehensive textbook. The contents of the book are student-friendly, example-driven, and program-oriented. Based on the belief that expertise is achieved by practice, this comprehensive book is enriched with illustrations and about 400 solved programs. Each concept of C Programming and Data Structure is explained easily and the reader is then taken straight to the applications. A student can follow the fundamental concepts and run the programs as illustrated. It does not assume prior knowledge of C programming.
Elementary... the Art and Science of Finding Information:
What you don't know can hurt you. What you do know can make you successful. The Information Age has given us a soup of useful and not-so-usable facts and fiction. This is your guide to gaining information superiority in the new era.
Open Source Intelligence Methods and Tools
Apply Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) techniques, methods, and tools to acquire information from publicly available online sources to support your intelligence analysis. Use the harvested data in different scenarios such as financial, crime, and terrorism investigations as well as performing business competition analysis and acquiring intelligence about individuals and other entities. This book will also improve your skills to acquire information online from both the regular Internet as well as the hidden web through its two sub-layers: the deep web and the dark web. The author includes many OSINT resources that can be used by intelligence agencies as well as by enterprises to monitor trends on a global level, identify risks, and gather competitor intelligence so more effective decisions can be made. You will discover techniques, methods, and tools that are equally used by hackers and penetration testers to gather intelligence about a specific target online. And you will be aware of how OSINT resources can be used in conducting social engineering attacks. Open Source Intelligence Methods and Tools takes a practical approach and lists hundreds of OSINT resources that can be used to gather intelligence from online public sources. The book also covers how to anonymize your digital identity online so you can conduct your searching activities without revealing your identity. What You’ll Learn Identify intelligence needs and leverage a broad range of tools and sources to improve data collection, analysis, and decision making in your organization Use OSINT resources to protect individuals and enterprises by discovering data that is online, exposed, and sensitive and hide the data before it is revealed by outside attackers Gather corporate intelligence about business competitors and predict future market directions Conduct advanced searches to gather intelligence from social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter Understand the different layers that make up the Internet and how to search within the invisible web which