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Electric Machines Ashfaq husain Second Edition
The life-supporting systems of the planet are being threatened due to deforestation, destruction of habitats, over use of energy resources, and environmental pollution. This book discusses the basic concepts in environmental management, including environmental policies, international treaties, and legislations.
Veterinary Microbiology book by P.J Quinn (2nd edition)
Microbiology is one of the core subjects for veterinary students, and since its first publication in 2002, Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease has become an essential text for students of veterinary medicine. Fully revised and expanded, this new edition updates the subject for pre-clinical and clinical veterinary students in a comprehensive manner. Individual sections deal with bacteriology, mycology and virology. Written by an academic team with many years of teaching experience, the book provides concise descriptions of groups of microorganisms and the diseases which they cause. Microbial pathogens are discussed in separate chapters which provide information on the more important features of each microorganism and its role in the pathogenesis of diseases of animals. The international and public health significance of these pathogens are reviewed comprehensively. The final section is concerned with the host and is organized according to the body system affected. Tables, boxes and flow diagrams provide information in an easily assimilated format. This edition contains new chapters on molecular diagnostics and on infectious conditions of the skin, cardiovascular system, urinary tract and musculoskeletal system. Many new colour diagrams are incorporated into this edition and each chapter has been updated.Key features of this edition:Twelve new chapters included Numerous new illustrations Each chapter has been updated Completely re-designed in full colour Fulfils the needs of veterinary students and academics in veterinary microbiology Companion website with figures from the book as Powerpoints for viewing or downloading by chapter: Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease remains indispensable for all those studying and teaching this essential component of the veterinary curriculum.
GC Banerjee textbook of animal husbandry
The revised edition is a real comprehensive integrated text to provide educational concepts and self study guide for students, researchers, teachers, livestock extension specialists and administrators interested in the study of Animal Husbandry. Contents: Taxonomy, Domestication and Animal Husbandry in India / An Introduction to Microbiology / Elementary Anatomy and Physiology / Animal Blood / Mechanisms of Reproduction / Mechanisms of Heredity / Animal Breeding / Artificial Insermination / Mammary Gland and Lactation / Animal Nutrition / Important Cattle Breeds and their Characteristics / Buffaloes / Dairy Farm Management / Pigs / Poultry / Goat / Sheep / Camel / Rabbit / Yak / Notes on Horse / Notes on Elephant
Oxford English-English-Hindi Dictionary
This is the revised edition of our consistent bestseller, the English-English-Hindi Dictionary edited by Dr Suresh Kumar and Dr Ramanath Sahai contains more than 52,000 entries, related phrases, idioms and more than 200 illustrations. Like our other Bilingual Dictionaries, this has beenspecially compiled for learners of English, teachers, translators and general readers. English-English-Hindi Dictionary companion DVD The print dictionary also has a companion DVD with the following features: * A search option that can be used to search through the entire wordlist of the dictionary.* Each of the headwords and derivatives in the dictionary has an audio for pronunciation guide which the user can listen to by clicking on an icon.* The user can also type in Hindi to search through the Hindi part of the dictionary.
Medical physiology
This new edition is a complete guide to medical physiology for students, covering all aspects of the field, from general to systemic physiology. Each chapter has been fully revised with the latest advances included to provide the most up to date information. New topics have been added to the sections on the cardiovascular system, muscle physiology and gastrointestinal system. Long and short questions are featured at the end of each section to assist revision and the comprehensive text of nearly 1000 pages is enhanced by tables, boxes, diagrams and flowcharts to aid understanding. Key Points Comprehensive guide to complete field of medical physiology for students Fully revised, seventh edition, providing latest advances and new topics Long and short questions featured in each section to assist revision Previous edition (9789350259368) published in 2012