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internal combustion engine by b p pundir
This book introduces the reader to fundamentals of engine combustion processes and pollutant formation Combustion thermodynamics, conceptual and thermodynamic engine combustion models, fluid motion in the cylinder, the conventional and advanced combustion systems such as for DISC, CAI, and HCCI engines are discussed. For a wider coverage on the subject, emission measurement alternative propulsion systems are included in this text. Laser based and other combustion diagnostic techniques are outlined to introduce readers to modern combustion research methods. The book attempts to present theoretical aspects and the practices including the latest developments in engine and emission control technology. Table Of Contents: Preface / Nomenclature / Introduction / Thermodynamics of Combustion / Combustion in SI Engines / Combustion in CI Engines / Engine Combustion Systems and Management / Formation of Engine Emissions / Emission Standards and Measurement / Emission Control Technology / Engine Fuels and Emissions / Combustion Diagnostics / Alternative Automotive Power Plants / Appendices / Index. Audience Senior Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, Practicing Engineers and Professionals Special Features: ?Presentation of fundamental concepts combined with modern technology of IC engines without neglecting analytical aspects for a better understanding of the subject by the students, the practicing engineers and professionals?The book has 240 illustrations and 75 tables of data. A number of solved example and about 120 problems are included.
Power plant engineering by p k nag
The fourth edition of this hallmark text continues to provide the right blend of theory, design and practice. Analytical and theoretical treatment of the concepts along with an up-to-date coverage makes this book a must have for all. Salient features: in depth coverage of hydroelectric, diesel engine and gas turbine power plants chapter on non-conventional power generation and environmental degradation and use of renewable energy unique coverage on energy storage mechanismstable of content:introduction: economics of power generation analysis of steam cycles combined cycle power generation fuels and combustion combustion mechanism, combustion equipment and firing methods steam generators steam turbines condenser, feedwater and circulating water systems nuclear power plants hydroelectric power plant diesel engine and gas turbine power plants energy storage non-conventional power generation: direct energy conversion environmental degradation and use of renewable energy
fundamental of compressible flow by S M Yahya
The subject of compressible flow or gas dynamics deals with the thermo-fluid dynamic problems of gases and vapours, hence it is now an important part of both undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. Fundamentals of Compressible Flow covers this subject in fourteen well organised chapters in a lucid style. A large mass of theoretical material and equations has been supported by a number of figures and graphical depictions. Moreover, the revised edition has an additional chapter on miscellaneous problems in compressible flow (gas dynamics) which has been designed to support the tutorials, practice exercises and examinations. Problems have been specially chosen for students and engineers in the areas of aerospace, chemical, gas and mechanical engineering. Also the author`s broad teaching experience is reflected in the clarity, and systematic and logical presentation of the book. Key Features: Begins with basic definitions and formulae. Separate chapters on adiabatic flow, isentropic flow and rate equations. Includes basics of the atmosphere, and measuring techniques. Separate sections on wind tunnels, laser techniques, hot wires, flow measurement and gas dynamics laboratory. Discusses applications in aircraft and rocket propulsion, space flights and pumping of natural gas. Contains large number of solved and unsolved problems. This edition is for sale in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan and Sri Lanka only. If you want to buy this book for any country other than these, kindly click on the following links: 1. , 2. The Book Depository
Manufacturing engineering and technology by kalpakjian
Please Read Notes: Brand New, International Softcover Edition, Printed in black and white pages, minor self wear on the cover or pages, Sale restriction may be printed on the book, but Book name, contents, and author are exactly same as Hardcover Edition. Fast delivery through DHL/FedEx express.
theory of machine by Khurmi
While writing the book,we have continuously kept in mind the examination requirments of the students preparing for U.P.S.C.(Engg. Services)and A.M.I.E.(I)examinations.In order to make this volume more useful for them,complete solutions of their examination papers up to 1975 have also been included.Every care has been taken to make this treatise as self-explanatory as possible.The subject matter has been amply illustrated by incorporating a good number of solved,unsolved and well graded examples of almost every variety.
theory of machine by s s rattan
Computer Based Numerical and Statistical Techniques has been written to provide fundamental introduction of numerical analysis for the students who take a course on Engineering Mathematics and for the students of computer science engineering. The book has been divided into 14 chapters covering all important aspects starting from high speed computation to Interpolation and Curve Fitting to Numerical Integration and Differentiation and finally focusing on Test of Significance
Data structures
This second edition of Data Structures Using C has been developed to provide a comprehensive and consistent coverage of both the abstract concepts of data structures as well as the implementation of these concepts using C language. It begins with a thorough overview of the concepts of C programming followed by introduction of different data structures and methods to analyse the complexity of different algorithms. It then connects these concepts and applies them to the study of various data structures such as arrays, strings, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, and graphs. The book utilizes a systematic approach wherein the design of each of the data structures is followed by algorithms of different operations that can be performed on them, and the analysis of these algorithms in terms of their running times. Each chapter includes a variety of end-chapter exercises in the form of MCQs with answers, review questions, and programming exercises to help readers test their knowledge.
Let us c by Yashwant kanthekar
Description: ""Simplicity""- That has been the hallmark of this book in not only its previous fourteen English editions, but also in the Hindi, Guajarati, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and US editions. This book does not assume any programming background. It begins with the basics towards the end of the book. Each Chapter Contains: Lucid explanation of the concept well thought-out, fully working programming examples End of chapter exercises that would help you practise the learned in the chapter Hand crafted ""kanNotes"" that would help you remember and revise the concepts covered in each chapter. Table of Contents: Getting Started C Instructions Decision Control Instruction More Complex Decision Making Loop Control Instruction More Complex Repetitions Case Control Instruction Functions Pointers Recursion Data Types Revisited The C Preprocessor Arrays Multidimensional Arrays Strings Handling Multiple Strings Structures Console Input/ Output File Input/ Output More Issues in Input/ Output Operations on Bits Miscellaneous Features C Under Linux Interview FAQ's Appendix A- Compilation and Execution Appendix B- Precedence table Appendix C-Chasing the Bugs Appendix D- ACII Chart Periodic Tests I to IV Index
Introduction to algorithms by cormen
A comprehensive update of the leading algorithms text, with new material on matchings in bipartite graphs, online algorithms, machine learning, and other topics.Some books on algorithms are rigorous but incomplete; others cover masses of material but lack rigor. Introduction to Algorithms uniquely combines rigor and comprehensiveness. It covers a broad range of algorithms in depth, yet makes their design and analysis accessible to all levels of readers, with self-contained chapters and algorithms in pseudocode. Since the publication of the first edition, Introduction to Algorithms has become the leading algorithms text in universities worldwide as well as the standard reference for professionals. This fourth edition has been updated throughout.New for the fourth edition New chapters on matchings in bipartite graphs, online algorithms, and machine learningNew material on topics including solving recurrence equations, hash tables, potential functions, and suffix arrays140 new exercises and 22 new problemsReader feedback-informed improvements to old problemsClearer, more personal, and gender-neutral writing styleColor added to improve visual presentationNotes, bibliography, and index updated to reflect developments in the fieldWebsite with new supplementary materialWarning: Avoid counterfeit copies of Introduction to Algorithms by buying only from reputable retailers. Counterfeit and pirated copies are incomplete and contain errors.
Pointers in C Yashwant kanethkar
A C programmer without knowledge of pointers is like a fish which doesn't know how to swim. He needs command over pointers to be able to exploit their immense potential. Pointers are all about power and punch and this book covers everything that has anything to do with pointers in a simple, way to understand way. The topics covered include: Pointers and Arrays Pointers and Structures Pointers and Dynamic Memory Allocation Pointers to Functions Pointers and Variable Argument Lists Practical use of Pointers Pointers and Doubly linked Lists Pointers and Circular Lists Pointers and Binary Trees Pointers and Threaded Binary Trees
Clean code
Even bad code can function. But if code isn't clean, it can bring a development organization to its knees. Every year, countless hours and significant resources are lost because of poorly written code. But it doesn't have to be that way. Noted software expert Robert C. Martin presents a revolutionary paradigm with Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship . Martin has teamed up with his colleagues from Object Mentor to distill their best agile practice of cleaning code "on the fly" into a book that will instill within you the values of a software craftsman and make you a better programmer-but only if you work at it. What kind of work will you be doing? You'll be reading code-lots of code. And you will be challenged to think about what's right about that code, and what's wrong with it. More importantly, you will be challenged to reassess your professional values and your commitment to your craft. Clean Code is divided into three parts. The first describes the principles, patterns, and practices of writing clean code. The second part consists of several case studies of increasing complexity. Each case study is an exercise in cleaning up code-of transforming a code base that has some problems into one that is sound and efficient. The third part is the payoff: a single chapter containing a list of heuristics and "smells" gathered while creating the case studies. The result is a knowledge base that describes the way we think when we write, read, and clean code.
Operating system concepts
Written in an easy-to-understand style, this textbook, now in its third edition, continues to discuss in detail important concepts and major developments in network security and management. It is designed for a one-semester course for undergraduate students of Computer Science, Information Technology, and undergraduate and postgraduate students of Computer Applications. Students are first exposed to network security principles, organizational policy and security infrastructure, and then drawn into some of the deeper issues of cryptographic algorithms and protocols underlying network security applications. Encryption methods, secret key and public key cryptography, digital signature and other security mechanisms are emphasized. Smart card, biometrics, virtual private networks, trusted operating systems, pretty good privacy, database security, and intrusion detection systems are comprehensively covered. An in-depth analysis of technical issues involved in security management, risk management and security and law is presented. In the third edition, two new chapters—one on Information Systems Security and the other on Web Security—and many new sections such as digital signature, Kerberos, public key infrastructure, software security and electronic mail security have been included. Additional matter has also been added in many existing sections. KEY FEATURES : Extensive use of block diagrams throughout helps explain and clarify the concepts discussed. About 250 questions and answers at the end of the book facilitate fruitful revision of the topics covered. Includes a glossary of important terms. KEY FEATURES : Extensive use of block diagrams throughout helps explain and clarify the concepts discussed. About 250 questions and answers at the end of the book facilitate fruitful revision of the topics covered. Includes a glossary of important terms.
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
The eleventh edition of Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory offers students a complete, comprehensive coverage of the subject, focusing on all the essentials they will need to succeed on the job. Setting the standard for nearly 30 years, this highly accurate text is supported by strong pedagogy and content that is ideal for new students of this rapidly changing field. This text is an excellent reference work for anyone involved with electronic devices and other circuitry applications, such as electrical and technical engineers.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Networking technologies have become an integral part of everyday life, creating a dramatic increase in the number of professions where it is important to understand them. TCP/IP Protocol Suite is a comprehensive book which uses hundreds of figures to make technical concepts easy to grasp, as well as many examples that tie the material to the real world. The new edition of TCP/IP Protocol Suite has been fully updated to include all of the recent technology changes in the field. Key Features Uses a visual and intuitive approach with a balance of text and figure for better understanding Chapter Objectives given at the beginning of each chapter and summary of the material covered given at chapter end New chapters introducing layers of TCP/IP : Network Layer Transport Layer Application Layer Material on New Generation Internet Protocol (IPv6) has been augmented to three chapters Chapters reorganised according to the layers in TCP/IP ASCII Code has been replaced with Unicode Table Of Contents Part 1 Introduction and Underlying Technologies Introduction The OSI Model and the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Underlying Technologie Part 2 Network Layer Introduction to Network Layer IPv4 Addresses Delivery and Forwarding of IP Packets Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Internet Control Message Protocol Version 4 (ICMPv4) Mobile IP Unicast Routing Protocols (RIP, OSPF and BGP) Multicasting and Multicast Routing Protocols Part 3 Transport Layer
Data Structures with C
Please Read Brand New, International Softcover Edition, Printed in black and white pages, minor self wear on the cover or pages, Sale restriction may be printed on the book, but Book name, contents, and author are exactly same as Hardcover Edition. Fast delivery through DHL/FedEx express.
Object Oriented Programming With C++
Python Programming is designed as a textbook to fulfil the requirements of the first-level course in Python programming. It is suited for undergraduate degree students of computer science engineering, IT as well as computer applications. This book will enable students to apply the Python programming concepts in solving real-world problems. The book begins with an introduction to computers, problem solving approaches, programming languages, object oriented programming, and Python programming. Separate chapters dealing with the important constructs of Python language such as control statements, functions, strings, files, data structures, classes and objects, inheritance, operator overloading, and exceptions are provided in the book.