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Organic Chemistry
A popular introduction to organic chemistry which stresses the importance of molecular structure in understanding the properties and principles of organic chemistry. Provides a wide variety of spectra to be analyzed. Features four-color photographs throughout.
Introduction to Plant Biotechnology
Plants are primary producers of food for humans as well as animals beneficial for human welfare. Apart from their role as suppliers of food, plants immensely contribute to availability of fibers for clothing, timer for house building and furniture, sources of medicine, etc, shortage of food is the most important challenge in the present day civilization. With rapid increase in global population the demand on food sources has increased tremendously. Nearly 1400 million hectare land (12% of the earth's surface) is under cultivation and 80% of the cultivated land area is under some form of food crops. In spite of this there is hunger in substantially large areas.
Organic Chemistry For Joint Entrance Examination Jee Advanced: Part 1
Salient features: includes questions and problems from previous years' papers, which will help students understand the pattern of the questions asked in the examination. Features all types of problems asked in the examination: subjective type single correct answer type multiple correct answers type assertion-reasoning type linked comprehension type matching column type integer type archives (up-to-date previous years' questions) provides exercises and problems with their complete solutions. Includes access to free tests available on android and web. These tests are based on previous years’ jee papers table of contents: chapter 1 classification and nomenclature of organic compounds chapter 2 purification of organic compounds and qualitative and quantitative analysis chapter 3 isomerism chapter 4 general organic chemistry chapter 5 organic reaction mechanism chapter 6 alkanes and cycloalkanes chapter 7 alkenes and alkadienes chapter 8 alkynes
Inorganic Chemistry for Joint Entrance Examination JEE Advanced Part 2 a Cengage Learning Exam Crack Series product is designed to help aspiring engineers focus on the subject of inorganic chemistry from two standpoints 1. To develop their caliber aptitude and attitude for the engineering field and profession.2. To strengthen their grasp and understanding of the concepts of the subjects of study and their applicability at the grassroots level.Each book in this series approaches the subject in a very conceptual and coherent manner. While its illustrative and solved examples will facilitate easy mastering of the concepts and their applications an array of solved problems will expose the students to the variety and nature of questions that they can expect to face in the examination. The coverage and features of this series of books make it highly useful for all those preparing for JEE Advanced and aspiring to become engineers
Electronic Devices and Circuit By Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky
This book was initially published in 1972 and has been a highly accurate and easily comprehensible university level text throughout the modern period of electronics and computer revolution.Starting with semiconductor diodes and diode applications, the book systematically progresses from one chapter to another. It provides a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts like diodes and transistors before tackling the higher level topics like Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) devices, and Field-Effect Transistor (FET) devices.In addition to that, it deals with various other topics like Feedback and Oscillator Circuits, Power Supplies, other Two-Terminal Devices, and PNPN and other devices. It also reflects on the growing importance of operational amplifiers in today's market. Along with the basics of designing FET amplifier networks, all the typical configurations of JFET and MOSFET circuits has also been examined.The authors take a systems approach to their subject, ensuring students comprehend fundamental concepts before they tackle advanced topics as compound configurations, power supplies, and oscilloscopes. The circuit files are also provided. For each device examined, the text covers most configurations and applications and also included are discussions of the full range of related topics typically addressed in the course, with clear, precise explanations and plenty of examples to back them up.
Atkins physical chemistry
The Student Solutions Manual to accompany Atkins' Physical Chemistry 10th edition provides full worked solutions to the 'a' exercises, and the odd-numbered discussion questions and problems presented in the parent book. The manual is intended for students and instructors alike, and provides helpful comments and friendly advice to aid understanding.