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Real analysis
Objective type mcqs covering multiple choice type and fill in the blank type questions which are useful to MSC entrance tests are given with answers at the end of each section. Detailed solution for all the problems in the various exercises of different chapters are given at the end.
Ring theory and vector calculus
Objective type questions covering mcqs and fill in the blanks type questions which are useful to MSC entrance tests are given with answers at the end of each section Detailed solution for all the problem in the various exercises of different chapters are given at the end
S.Chand Bsc maths - Differential equation
Objective type questions covering mcqs and fill in the blanks type questions which are useful to Msc entrance tests given with answers at the end of each sections Detailed solution for all the problems in the various exercises of different chapters are given at the end
Nuclear Chemistry
"Concentrating on techniques for the detection and measurement of radioactivity, this book offers a guide to selecting the type of counter, type of source sample, duration for which the counting must be made, and the radiation emitted by the isotope for its efficient detection. It introduces a novel concept to explain not only the decay processes but also the selection of counting procedures for detecting and measuring radioactivity. The author builds up the foundation from the nature of the interaction of radiation with matter. He also highlights the differences between an ordinary chemical laboratory and a radiochemical one."--Provided by publisher.
Plant systematics book for University of Calcutta examination
This fourth edition of Plant Systematics is completely revised and updated. It incorporates the updated International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants (Shenzhen Code, 2018), the new version of PhyloCode (Beta version of Phylocode 5, 2014), APweb version 14 (September, 2018), revised Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification (APG IV, 2016), new Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group Classification (PPG I, 2016), besides the updates since the publication of third edition. The book is a blend of classical fundamental aspects and recent developments, especially in the field of molecular systematics, cladistics and computer identification. Special attention has been given to information on botanical nomenclature, identification, molecular systematics and phylogeny of angiosperms. The complicated concepts of phylogeny, taxometrics and cladistics have been explained with a view to providing a comparison between these diverse but interactive fields of study. An attempt has been made to build upon a common example when exploring different methods, especially in procedures of identification, taxometrics and cladistics. The major systems of classification are evaluated critically. Discussion on major families of Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms, especially those of major phylogenetic interest, form a major portion of this edition. The ebook includes nearly 500 color photographs set out in 36 pages covering plants from different parts of the world. In addition, 305 black & white illustrations have been included to provide a better understanding of the plants covered in the book.
The definitive reference text for Microbiology helps students focus on the most important aspects. This book is used yet kept in good condition with minimal markings inside. It also has color pictures. The price includes shipping anywhere in India and can be negotiable. Feel free to contact or call for more details.