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This book is meant for students of medical sciences. The details are presented in a clear and simple form, maintaining uniformity in presentation of metabolic reactions in all chapters. Emphasis is laid on the integration and regulation of the various aspects of metabolism in appropriate places, in a student-friendly manner. Care has been taken to keep the subject clinically oriented by providing clinical discussions wherever necessary. As an aid to learning, the book carries to-the-point discussions and an adequate number of flowcharts. The students of medicine and allied health courses using this book will find biochemistry interesting and easy to follow. Advanced students of biochemistry and medicine will also find this book useful as a ready reckoner.
Principles of Electromagnetics 6th edition
The text material has been restructured to provide a more balanced and exhaustive coverage of the subject.The text discusses the core concepts of technical communication and explains them with the help of numerous examples and practice exercises. The book also provides support for soft skills laboratory sessions through a companion CD.With its in-depth coverage and practical orientation, the book is useful not only for students, but also as a reference material for corporate training programmes.
Physical chemistry book for BSc and Msc students
NEET Foundation Series, comprising Physics, Chemistry, and Biology for class IX and X, is thoughtfully designed to tread seamlessly with the NCERT curriculum. The core objective of the series is to provide a one stop-solution for faster and effective preparation for NEET and other competition exams. Irrespective of the field of study that the student might opt later, it is important to form his/her strong roots in science to cope with the modern way of life, effectively. The chapterization of the book is such that it creates a bridge between the CBSE and NEET patterns.
Organic chemistry testbook for BSc. Students
For B.Sc. Students , One of the distinctive featues of the text is its visual impact. Color graphics, illustrators, and molecular models and high resolution photos have been extensively used to highlight and reinforce the important points. Caolor has been used to highlight change and concepts. Table Of Contents: Getting Started2.Purification of Organic Compounds .Composition of Organic compounds 4.Empirical and Molecukar Formulae 5.Structure of Organic Molecules6.Organic Reaction and their Mechanism 7.Isomerism 8Nomenclature of Organiccompounds 9.Spectroscopy 10.Alkanes 11.Alkenes 12.Alkynes 13 Alkyl Halides------
Organic Chemistry
This book has been prepared by a group of faculties who are highly experienced in training GATE candidates and are also subject matter experts. As a result this book would serve as a one-stop solution for any GATE aspirant to crack the examination. The book is divided into three parts covering, (1) General Aptitude, (2) Engineering Mathematics and (3) Computer Science and Information Technology. Coverage is as per the syllabus prescribed for GATE and topics are handled in a comprehensive manner - beginning from the basics and progressing in a step-by-step manner supported by ample number of so.
Physical chemistry
This book is fourth of the five volume series, which provides an extensive coverage of the topics discussed, focusing on the applications of the principles involved. Each of the five volumes distinguishes itself by projecting the subject through a numb