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PREFERRED BY LEADING EDUCATORS AND INFORMED PARENTS With more than 33,000 entries selected in consultation with top educators and definitions written specifically for children eight and up, this is the most up-to-date and kid-friendly dictionary ever. Designed to make kids enthusiastic instead of intimidated, it features: * More than 800 notes and tips on synonyms, homonyms, prefixes, spelling, and word histories * Over 750 photographs and illustrations * Current computer, scientific, and cutural terms * Interesting word histories * Important figures from literature and history * Sample sentences to show meanings and usage * Every country plus major cities * Spelling tips for tricky words * Clear definitions in language children understand * Parts of speech, plural forms, and verb forms * Color photos, drawings and maps * Easy to understand pronunciation guide on every spread The all-in-one reference with: * Children's Thesaurus * Album of U.S. Presidents * Tables of Weights and Measures * Atlas of the World * Album of U.S. States
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