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The CBSE board has recently shown a bent towards analysis and interpretation based questions under the label of ‘competency- based questions’. This book is prepared according to revised syllabus and new paper pattern. ‘The Same but Different’: Revised and restructured on positive feedback, the Statistics for Economics Textbook is all geared up to provide its readers step by step comprehension of the subject matter. Novelties of the text include: 1. NEW TYPOLOGY OF QUESTIONS: (Image/Data interpretation, defend and refute type questions etc.) have been incorporated in each chapter. 2. ‘BRAIN TEASER’ BLOCKS: Implication based questions related to current happenings around have been incorporated in each chapter. These help gauge the inferences the students are able to draw from the text and how easily they are able to relate economic theory to the ground level realities. 3. OTHERS: HOTS & Focus Zones DAV Board Question Paper (Solved) Sample Paper By “VK Global Study Group”[A specimen paper woven along the same structure and blueprint as suggested in the CBSE released Sample Question Paper-2023.]
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