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Certificate physical and human geography

Certificate physical and human geography


This book is a textbook approach that aims at providing an understanding of our planet's physical topography, climatic and vegetative environment, and the relationship that human beings share across regions. The Physical Geography section deals with topics that span the planet's various topographies like the Earth's Crust, Weathering, Mass Movement and Groundwater; Landforms of Glaciation, The Ocean, Lakes, Coastal Landforms, etc. Each chapter has a questions section to help readers evaluate their understanding of the subject explained in that chapter. Various illustrations and photographs enhance the text, to enable all students to easily understand the concepts. Part two of the book, The Weather, Climate and Vegetation section, covers subjects like different climates and climatic zones like Equatorial, Savanna, Tropical or Arctic climates. Table Of Contents PART I PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 1. The Earth and the Universe 1 Exploring the Universe 2. The Earth's Crust 3. Vulcanism and Earthquakes 4. Weathering, Mass Movement and Groundwater 5. Landforms made by Running Water 6. Landforms of Glaciation 7. Arid or Desert Landforms 8. Limestone and Chalk Landforms 9. Lakes 66 General, 10. Coastal Landforms 11. Islands and Coral Reefs 12. The Oceans PART 2 WEATHER, CLIMATE AND VEGETATION 13. Weather 14. Climate 15. The Hot, Wet Equatorial Climate 16. The Tropical Monsoon and Tropical Marine Climates 17. The Savanna or Sudan Climate 18. The Hot Desert and Mid-Latitude Desert Cli-mates 19. The Warm Temperate Western Margin (Mediterranean) Climate 20. The Temperate Continental (Steppe) Climate 21. The Warm Temperate Eastern Margin (China Type) Climate 22. The Cool Temperate Western Margin (British Type) Climate 23, The Cool Temperate Continental (Siberian) Climate 24. The Cool Temperate Eastern Margin (Lauren-tian) Climate 25. The Arctic or Polar Climate .

6 months ago Buy Now
Indian economy for civil service and other competitive examination

Indian economy for civil service and other competitive examination


The Indian economy has undergone marked changes over recent years encompassing series of dynamism in economic growth and development. This revised edition of Indian Economy covers the current economic issues and imperative interventions by stakeholders. The topics are sequenced systematically and with great conceptual clarity to make it reader friendly. Written lucidly, the concepts are further enriched with flowcharts, tables, graphs, examples, etc. To facilitate a quick understanding and grasping. With its unique style and inclusion of latest trends in subject area, the book provides a one-stop solution to all aspirants of Civil Services and other competitive examinations. Salient ✔ latest updates on Union Budget 2021–22 and economic Survey 2020–21 ✔ 02 New chapters on economic growth versus economic development and sustainable development and Climate change ✔ multicolour pluck-out chart at the end of the book featuring key points from Union Budget 2021–22 ✔ Thoroughly revised chapters with chapter-end summary and new topics like countercyclical Fiscal Policy, India innovation index 2020, currency swap, climate smart Agriculture, covid-19 specific monetary policy measures, etc. ✔ updated appendix on economic measures related to covid-19 ✔ latest facts and analysis from Niti aayog reports, and mention of National and international Indices in relevant chapters ✔ Chapter-wise previous years' Questions of UPSC Preliminary and Main examinations for practice and understanding examination trend ✔ quarterly current updates along with an explanatory video on Union Budget 2021–22 available as online learning resource.

6 months ago Buy Now