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Quantitative aptitude quantum cat

Quantitative aptitude quantum cat


1. ‘Quantum Cat’- the bestselling study guide for Management entrances 2. The entire syllabus has been divided into 21 Chapters 3. Every chapter is accompanied with CAT Test for quick revision of concepts 4. More than 400 Fundamental Concepts are provided for better understanding 5. More than 1000 Examples are provided with Use-Cases, Twists, Tricks Choices and Lateral Solutions 6. More than 5000 hand crafted problem are given for the practice 7. 2000 New MCQs have been provided for thorough practice Quantitative Aptitude is a core component for getting a winning CAT Score. Out of every section, Quantitative Ability is one of the most unpredictable and time consuming section. Quantitative Aptitude stems an important part of an individuals’ analytical and logical ability for solving complex problems, making it a filtering tool for qualifying CAT and other Management Entrances. The current edition of “Quantum Cat” has been designed by keeping in mind the needs of those who wish to enhance Quantitative Aptitude for CAT and other Management Examinations. The entire syllabus of Quantitative Aptitude section is divided into 21 Chapters and every topic has 2-3 levels of questions that help students to get prepared for the most difficult problems even beyond the CAT Level. At the end of every chapter there is ‘CAT Test’ that contains problems related to the topic that helps in the quick revision of the concepts. This edition has more than 400 Fundamental Concepts to remember, more than 1000 examples are used to give the conceptual clarity with the methods and tricks are used to solve the questions. With the solution oriented approach this book provides more than 5000 hand crafted problems with their respective solution. It also includes more than 2000 MCQs for thorough practice. This book provides the alternative and smarter solutions to get correct answers in lesser time to crack CAT. This book is highly useful for not only for management entrances but for other competitive examinations. With so many features this book

2 months ago Buy Now
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This eighth edition of Sociology Themes and Perspectives provides a comprehensive introduction to sociology for A-level and undergraduate students. This essential resource is fully updated to match the latest sociological teaching, research and developments to support you in learning about sociology today.Brought to you by an established and trusted team of subject experts, Sociology Themes and Perspectives has supported over one million students in the UK and internationally in studying sociology. This new edition will enable you to:• Build your understanding of sociology through the clear and comprehensive explanation• Apply your knowledge with contextualised examples and research• Stay relevant with the most up-to-date research, empirical studies and theories• Consolidate your learning with the quick-reference conclusions and summaries at the end of each chapter• Bring sociology alive with full-colour explanation and photosThe new edition features coverage of these critical new topics: globalisation (in a major new section), the Arab Spring, the possible decline of US power, UK Coalition policies, environmental sociology, new media, the financial crash and recession, network society, victimology - and many more!Contents:• Chapter 1: Stratification, class and inequality• Chapter 2: Sex and gender• Chapter 3: 'Race', ethnicity and nationality• Chapter 4: Poverty, social exclusion and the welfare state• Chapter 5: Health, medicine and the body• Chapter 6: Crime and deviance• Chapter 7: Religion• Chapter 8: Families, households and personal life• Chapter 9: Power, politics and the state• Chapter 10: Education• Chapter 11: Culture, socialisation and identity• Chapter 12: The mass media• Chapter 13: Age and the life course• Chapter 14: Methodology• Chapter 15: Sociological theory

6 months ago Buy Now

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