Books posted by Vandana Unnikrishnan on Clankart for Sale
English Literature
Description Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory: From Structuralism to Ecocriticism is a comprehensive survey of the major theoretical schools thathave shaped our ideas about literary and cultural phenomena sincethe mid-twentieth century. Each chapter in this book traces theorigin and development of a specific critical approach up to recenttimes, with a special focus on key thinkers. Chapters on criticalrace studies and ecocriticism distinguish this book from manyothers on this subject. Written in a student-friendly manner, itdoes not presume prior knowledge of Western philosophical thoughtand makes Theory approachable for students from variousbackgrounds. Apart from students of English literature, the bookwill serve the interdisciplinary interests of students of masscommunication, history, sociology and gender studies. It will alsoappeal to the general reader who wants a clearer picture of that'opaque' academic field called Theory. Important concepts highlighted in boxes Occasional point-wise organization to facilitate readability and easy comprehension Examples from Indian culture that students can connect with A short list for further reading at the end of every chapter Recent developments in critical theory, namely, Ecocriticism and Critical Race Studies, included Structuralism Poststructuralism and Deconstruction Psychoanalytic Criticism Feminisms Marxisms Postcolonial Theory Queer Theory New Historicism and Cultural Materialism Critical Race Studies Ecocriticism PRAMOD K. NAYAR teaches at the Department of English,University of Hyderabad, India. Nayar is author of several booksincluding Postcolonial Literature: An Introduction (2008), alsopublished by Pearson.
2 - English Literature
This handbook has enjoyed success for over 50 years and is still one of the highly respected and followed documentation guides when it comes to content creation and its related fields. Published by the Modern Language Association of America, this new edition contains information pertaining to online content research and writing.The seventh edition of MLA Handbook For Writers Of Research Papers provides a sequential approach to every single aspect involved in penning down a research paper. The book guides writers through the whole procedure, right from topic selection to submitting the paper.The updated version of the MLA Handbook also includes recommendations for citing graphic narratives and digital files. This is an extensive guide on how to write well-researched and well-framed content. The edition gives students a code that helps them access the accompanying website.The handbook is an exhaustive and updated research guide for researching and writing on the online platform. The book has sold over three million copies across the globe, since its inception in 1977. This latest version comes in a flat binding, two color print, with a subject index.About the AuthorMLA stands for the Modern Language Association of America. They introduced the MLA style of documentation, and have published many books pertaining to different styles adopted for writing in different countries. The organisation has more than 30,000 members in nearly 100 countries.It was founded in the year 1883 and its journals are considered to be one of the most prestigious in the field. Another popular book published by the Modern Language Association is MLA Style Manual And Guide To Scholarly Publishing, 3/e PB.Table Of ContentsForeword by Rosemary G. FealPreface by David G. NichollsNote on the Web ComponentChapter 1: Research and writingChapter 2: Plagiarism and academic IntegrityChapter 3: The Mechanics of writingChapter 4: The formal of research paperChapter 5: Documentation : Preparing th