Object Oriented Programming With C++
- Book Condition
- Excellent
- Subject/Title
- Object Oriented Programming With C++
- 9780199485673
- Type
- College Books (Higher Education Textbooks)
- Category
- Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech)
- Author
- Reema Thareja
- Year
Please note that the description below is system-fetched and it may or may not accurately represent the actual contents of the book.
Python Programming is designed as a textbook to fulfil the requirements of the first-level course in Python programming. It is suited for undergraduate degree students of computer science engineering, IT as well as computer applications. This book will enable students to apply the Python programming concepts in solving real-world problems. The book begins with an introduction to computers, problem solving approaches, programming languages, object oriented programming, and Python programming. Separate chapters dealing with the important constructs of Python language such as control statements, functions, strings, files, data structures, classes and objects, inheritance, operator overloading, and exceptions are provided in the book.
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