NCERT Exampler - Physics - Class 11
- Book Condition
- Excellent
- Subject/Title
- NCERT Exemplar Problems-Solutions: Physics Class XI
- 9789351764496
- Type
- School Books (up to 12th)
- Category
- 11th
- Author
- Sonal Sinha Atique Hassan
- Year
- 2019
Please note that the description below is system-fetched and it may or may not accurately represent the actual contents of the book.
NCERT Exemplar Problems - Solutions Physics, published by Arihant Publications, is a comprehensive book for Class XI students. It consists of an exhaustive collection of problems and solutions prescribed for engineering and medical competitive examinations. Continuing the tradition of its reliable set of books for competitive exams from Class IX to class XII, Arihant has covered a vast range of topics in Physics that are relevant for Class XI students. This book is divided into 14 chapters, strictly following the board syllabus and exam pattern, encompassing a variety of topics in Classical Mechanics - from laws of motion to theory of waves. It is highly recommended for anyone who wants to build a strong foundation in physics before venturing out in the areas of science and technology in higher studies.
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