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The fourth edition of this successful text continues to offer a broad and balanced coverage of a wide variety of operational amplifiers and linear integrated circuits, while still retaining the several major enhancements made in the third edition. The book maintains the right blend of theory and practice and presents a simplified and methodical way to develop student's understanding of the analysis, design, and applications of op-amp circuits.topTable of ContentsPreface.Introduction to Operational Amplifiers.Interpretation of Data Sheets and Characteristics of an Op-Amp.An Op-Amp with Negative Feedback.The Practical Op-Amp.Frequency Response of an Op-Amp.General Linear Applications.Active Filters and Oscillators.Comparators and Converters.Specialized IC Applications.Selected IC System Projects.AppendicesA-Resistance Chart.B-Capacitance Chart.C-Important Derivations.D-Data Sheets.E-Answers to Selected Problems.Bibliography.Index.
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