Invertebrates zoology
- Book Condition
- Excellent
- Subject/Title
- Invertebrate Zoology
- 9788121903677
- Type
- College Books (Higher Education Textbooks)
- Category
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc)
- Author
- DR. P.S. VERMA, P.S. Verma
- Year
- 2001
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For B.Sc. and B.Sc(hons.) students of all Indian Universities & Also as per UGC Model Curriculum. The multicoloured figures and arrestingly natural photographs effectively complement the standard text matter. The target readers shall highly benefit by correlating the content with the muliticoloured figures and photographs The book has been further upgraded with addition of important questions: long, short, very short and multiple questions in all chapters. A complete comprehensive source for the subject matter of various university examinations.
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