- Book Condition
- Excellent
- Subject/Title
- Governance in India
- 9789339204785
- Type
- Exam/Test Preparation Books
- Category
- Civil Services Entrance Exams
- Author
- M. Laxmikanth
- Year
Please note that the description below is system-fetched and it may or may not accurately represent the actual contents of the book.
This book has been a best seller for more than a decade, currently in its 13th edition it is thoroughly updated and revised with current trend in competitive examinations across various domains. The contents are broadly divided into four sections World, Science, India and Current affairs. Each chapter contains more than 100 MCQs with answer keys. A key feature of this book is the 30 page colorful maps, provided with fact files from authentic sources. The maps also include some added information on geography, population, and economy of the entire continent. Designed and developed for both classroom use and self learning, this updated edition is a must-buy for the aspirants who are planning to crack various competitive examinations.
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