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The majority of the cases of earthquake damage to buildings, bridges, and other retaining structures are influenced by soil and ground conditions. To address such phenomena, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering is the appropriate discipline. This textbook presents the fundamentals of Soil Dynamics, combined with the basic principles, theories and methods of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. It is designed for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students in Civil Engineering & Architecture. The text will also be useful to young faculty members, practising engineers and consultants. Besides, teachers will find it a useful reference for preparation of lectures and for designing short courses in Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. The book first presents the theory of vibrations and dynamics of elastic system as well as the fundamentals of engineering seismology. With this background, the readers are introduced to the characteristics of Strong Ground Motion, and Deterministic and Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. The risk analysis and the reliability process of geotechnical engineering are presented in detail. An in-depth study of dynamic soil properties and the methods of their determination provide the basics to tackle the dynamic soil–structure interaction problems. Practical problems of dynamics of beam–foundation systems, dynamics of retaining walls, dynamic earth pressure theory, wave propagation and liquefaction of soil are treated in detail with illustrative examples.
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