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Mathematics is called the queen of all subjects but it is also thought to be one of the dreadful subject. Here is a Dictionary that goes beyond a mere listing of words and definations. This unique work has more than 2000 mathematical terms, designed as a time-saving reference work for students of all classes. Hundreds of examples and how to solve the problem of a particular type in almost every branch of mathematics has been its additional beauty. This vast fund of information will also enable the general reader to understand a particular mathematical concept, or to extend his own knowledge of mathematics. The coverage of terms is broad, from elementary terms in algebra, arithmetic through calculus, basic terms in 2-D and 3-Dimension geometry, advanced calculus, differential equations to the vector algebra and matrices, statics, dynamics and LPP. To make the understanding of concept clear more than 200 mathematical diagrams have been used. Apart from that, ample examples have been given to give in depth knowledge to students.
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