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Discover the Best Selection of Used Books Online. Buy second hand books online in India is India's first online inter community bookstore where buyers can purchase a wide range of second hand books, old books directly from other students and book readers across India at affordable prices. We strongly believe that every book deserves a second chance and we understand the importance of affordable reading materials, and that's why we've created a platform that allows you to find great deals on pre-loved books.

Whether you are a school student, a college student or a book reader, at, we offer a wide range of genres to cater you. We have a huge collection of Used Books across various genres such as literature, fiction, non-fiction, romance, novels, and many more.

One of the key advantages of shopping on Clankart is the incredibly affordable prices. Since at Clankart, our sellers are the students or a person who has previously used that book, so we can offer you those books at significantly lower prices compared to new books. Plus, you'll often find unique editions and out-of-print books that may not be readily available elsewhere.

We are committed to providing a secure and seamless shopping experience for our users. Our website is easy to navigate, and our checkout process is quick and secure. Buyers can also communicate directly with the sellers to ask questions, request additional information, or negotiate prices through Clankart Chats.

Also, whether you are a student, or a book reader, Clankart provides an excellent opportunity to sell your used books and earn actual money in your Bank account. If you have books that you no longer need, our platform enables you to easily list them for sale.

Join the Clankart community today and explore our vast collection of affordable second hand books. Discover hidden literary treasures, expand your reading horizons. Start browsing, find your next favorite book, and embark on a journey of knowledge and imagination.

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