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True story and indeed masterpiece of the great russian novelist ANNA

₹ 900
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Anna Karenina
Reading Books (Novels, Children, Business, Literature, History, etc.)
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The narrative centers on the adulterous affair between Anna, wife of Aleksey Karenin, and Count Vronsky, a young bachelor. Karenin's discovery of the liaison arouses only his concern for his own public image. Anna promises discretion for the sake of her husband and young son but eventually becomes pregnant by Vronsky. After the child is born, Anna and the child accompany Vronsky first to Italy, then to his Russian estate. She begins making furtive trips to see her older child and grows increasingly bitter toward Vronsky, eventually regarding him as unfaithful. In desperation she goes to the train station, purchases a ticket, and then impulsively throws herself in front of the incoming train. A parallel love story, involving the difficult courtship and fulfilling marriage of Kitty and Levin, provides rich counterpoint to the tragedy and is thought to reflect Tolstoy's own marital experience. There is an inevitability about the tragic fate that hangs over the adulterous love of Anna and Vronsky. About the Author:-Leo Tolstoy, or Count Lyev Nikolayevich Tolstoy September 9 , 1828 – November 20, 1910) was a Russian writer whom many consider to be the world's greatest novelist.His masterpieces War and Peace and Anna Karenina represent in their scope, breadth and vivid depiction of 19th-century Russian life and attitudes, the peak of realist fiction.

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Ad Id: 6101714907527768 Posted: Sun, 05 May 2024 60 Views
Sold By
Azeem PUser Verified
Palakkad, KERALA
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