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₹ 400
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Enid Blyton's Holiday Stories
Reading Books (Novels, Children, Business, Literature, History, etc.)
Children & Young Adult
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A wonderful selection of short stories by one of the world's best-loved children's authors, Enid Blyton. Ideal for reading aloud, or for children from about 7 years old to read alone. From sandcastles at the beach to enchanted ice-creams, step into the summer with these delightful characters. Adventure, fun and magic can all be found on holiday with Enid Blyton, who has been delighting readers for more than seventy years. The stories previously appeared in magazines and anthologies from the 40s and 60s. This collection contains the original texts and is unillustrated. The collection contains: At Seaside Cottage The Magic Ice Cream Wagger Goes to the Show A Surprise for Jimmy The Twins Get in a Fix The Enchanted Cloak Adventure Up a Tree John's Hanky The Magic Watering Can Peppermint Rock The Donkey on the Sands In the Middle of the Night A Bit of Blue Sky The Smugglers' Caves Mr Gobo's Green Grass Smokey and the Seagull Adventures Under the Sea An Exciting Afternoon Lazy lenny Pink Paint for a Pixie Shut The Gate Look Out for the Elephant! Stayinh with Auntie Sue A Puppy in Wonderland The Three Sailors The Magic Seaweed

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Ad Id: 8331709312264861 Updated: Fri, 01 Mar 2024 68 Views
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